Homeward Bound

All 14 vans are finally en route to the church! Praise Gos for His hand of protection regardless of a LONG border experience. Be back by 1:30 am prayerfully!

PEACE Team Travel Prayers Needed

At this point we have 4 of our 14 vans across the border; pray for our team as we have been waiting at the border now close to 5 hours and may still have another 2 to go. Pray for protection and God's hand of mercy to deliver everyone home sooner than later

Keep the prayers up...hope to be home by end of Monday 😳

SK Mexico PEACE - Sunday

Sunday was another impactful day as our students and leaders stepped up to teach sermons, share testimonies, lead children's ministry and speak with teens during Sunday church service. Seeds of hope and faith were planted throughout Ensenada at 4 different churches.

Then the afternoon brought beautiful partnerships between our teams and the local churches. Each church's congregation returned to work hand in hand with our team from painting and cleaning to weeding and organizing. The end result of these work projects was the beauty of the Body radiating. Can't wait for the stories of Sunday to reach our families and friends at home.
On that note...the team is wrapping up our affirmation time to begin the long, reflective journey home. Pray our safe travels as we aim to depart in the next 30 minutes. Pray for a parting of the Red Sea at the border. Guide our drivers.
We'll will update you stateside on our arrival to MO2 parking lot this evening.

PDCM Practical Pics

Our kids ended out the conference FABULOUSLY teaching 150+ children's leaders & pastors tangible, creative ways to bring technology, leadership, serving & creativity into their children's ministries.  The team poured out their hearts in mighty ways...leaving them quite exhausted by the end of a full day of ministry.  Here are a few snapshots of PDCM Practical.

PDCM Practical Has BEGUN

Our ministry is underway. Each of the 4 villages are embarking in different ministries throughout today from children's programs to meals ministry and more. All villages will come to PDCM Practical (Purpose Driven Children's Ministry) conference today to teach their workshop...
First off, Village #1 with our incredible Saddeback Kids Irvine knocking it out of the park about technology in children's ministry. Wow did our students and leaders do AMAZING!!! One leader shared how this session opened his eyes that technology is not from Satan but can and should be used by God's glory.

And now (11:00) we are on to session #2 as Village #2 teaches on shepherd leadership. Super creative, silly opening skit that already has the 150 in attendance engaged and ready to learn! And Blake is sharing his heart story. Lives touched deeply...

Session #3 on working together as the body of Christ with our unique SHAPES is wrapping up. And Village #3 is doing just that in sharing about serving and answering questions at PDCM Practical. Well done!!!

Night Night

As the last post mentioned everyone made it safely down. We had a quick perspective reminder in chapel on how we can best EXPERIENCE true fruitfulness by being deliberately present this weekend. Pray for a great night's sleep as the team will be up and at em at 6:00 am with a full day of ministry from teaching children's leaders to serving alongside the local church. Pray for health, unity and God's hand of peace and protection over every team member. Amen!

We Have Arrived!

¡Hola!  After long journey, the Saddleback Kids 2016 Mexico team is now safe and sound at our lodging in Mexico.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  Please continue to pray for us as we get settled in and rested for our first day of ministry tomorrow.  Blessings.