After months of raising support, preparing and praying the SK 2017 Rwanda PEACE Team is officially in the air and en route to Rwanda. And those close to the team know that these final weeks to Rwanda have been TOUGH as Satan has done his best to discourage and distract. Despite the infections, travel delays, sickness, eye problems and MORE God was/is/always will be victorious and this team is ready to do some MIGHTY work in Rwanda. Pray for these incredible 15 warriors - Alaina Hart, Emma Nay, Monica & David Bailey, Nancy & Gabby Reed, Neicy & Christian Pioche, Amy, Reece & Roxy Thornton and Erik, Julie, Daphne & Koko Kirsch.
The SK Philippines Team had an action-packed weekend leaving their hearts overflowing for the people and places of Manila. On Saturday, the team visited an orphanage that Saddleback Manila serves at. They played, served and loved on these sweet kiddos as much as they possibly could. Here is a picture of the team with the orphanage staff (no other pictures were allowed for obvious reasons):
The rest of Saturday afternoon the team made Saddleback Kids beautiful with clean toys and organized play areas. Sunday saw the trip come full circle as they got to spend time with their Saddleback Manila family. It was a joyous celebration of all God did in their week in Manila. AND the team got to celebrate sweet Erin's 12th birthday too. What an extra special birthday in the Philippines for her.
It was a truly transformational trip that each team member will walk away totally changed because of it. Now pray for their final journey home from the Philippines. It will be a long flight not just physically but even emotionally as they process all that they experienced. Pray for lives changed. Pray for safe travels. Pray for Kingdom workers to come back better and stronger than ever before. See some of you at LAX this evening to welcome the troops home.
The team has been DEEPLY throwing themselves in to their ministry. These photos make that obvious. They had another school visit and outreach event and then the next day ministered to the children of Mercado and returned to Learning Links for follow-up outreach. The icing on the cake was a final team meal with Pastor Matt Hall at his home. Wow, what treats!
Pray for the team as they are right now ministering for the final hours in the Philippines at Saddleback Manila. Pray for safe travels home and the flight is easy and smooth. We cannot wait to see the team in-person and hear their eager excitement at LAX later tomorrow (Sunday) evening.
The SK Philippines PEACE Team had a FULL day of ministry partnering with a local school named Inchican. It is a familiar setting that Saddleback Kids Manila and previous SK PEACE Teams have worked with to bring God into the classroom. And boy did this group bring some action-packed, faith-filled lessons of God's love to Inchican. They worshipped, they taught and they gave God all the glory. Even the famous Jollibee made an appearance.
After lots of interactive teaching, the team literally got their hands dirty...really dirty. A gardening project is something Saddleback Manila has adopted as an outreach to Inchican so the SK PEACE Team was blessed to be the potting and planting hands. Check out all the great pictures of the team in action.