First, a delayed pic from yesterday after we loaded up the van at the airport:
To say that today was magnificent, wonderful, extraordinary, great, the BEST would be an understatement. The first full day is done and the team is still reeling over all the memories and moments from a mere 24 hours of ministry. Don't get me wrong, the eyes are tired and the bodies are weary as adapting to the 9 hour difference is hitting. But truly the Holy Spirit is filling these team members who are SO deeply bonded in such a short amount of time. Here's the scoop on today:
Team 1 - Michael, Claudia, Bella, Didi, Robbie, Michelle, Dakota, Chris & Kennedy
They experienced Rwandan church @ CGF in the fullest with a FULL 2 hours of first Bible study (1 hour) then singing/dancing to praise songs (1 hour) before they introduced themselves to the church congregation. Their introductions included mini sermons to the girls singing "Not My Own". After now almost 3 hours in church, the team headed into Children's Ministry to lead Sunday school for about 50 kids. They taught on the purpose of "worship" through an interactive skit, taught a memory verse, led some worship songs, and Kennedy tied it all up with her testimony and an opportunity for the children to accept Jesus. Phew the team had worshipped, served, sang, danced, and loved for almost 4 hours non-stop. The hands held, hugs shared, and hair braided was endless.
Team 2 - Karyce, Jodi, Conor, Allan, Dylan, Jennifer & Sarah
The minute they arrived they dove right into worshipping and praising. Then Pastor Allan Goldberg brought a powerful message on the Holy Spirit to the CGF congregation at their location. The Lost Sheep parable and his testimony resonated in the room; grateful for his flexibility and quick response allowing the Spirit to speak in and through him. After, the team departed outdoors with the children to teach them about the special way God SHAPEd each of them. They created unique fingerprint trees, did a fun puppet show, sang songs, and played games. Conor wrapped up their time sharing his story of how God wonderfully and fearfully SHAPEd him.
After a delicious New Cactus lunch, the team was reunited as one giant body of Christ where they served at Kids Club @ the main CGF all together. It was a beautiful example of the body being just that, the body working together seamlessly with its many parts. They redid the SHAPE lesson from the Bible story with puppets, craft, questions, and game. It was awesome to see the kids do the puppets showing each different gift and then having our translator do the funny voices too. Well done, Jean Paul!
Seriously, the memories and moments are abounding after today from tearful laughing to tears of sweet joy and appreciation to finally be HERE. There is no surprise that we started the day with "What a Beautiful Name" as a team worship song...we truly experienced what a BEAUTIFUL name it is indeed. Now to get some nice showers and some GREAT rest. Pray for the necessary refuels so bodies can acclimate to the time change. Pray for open hearts as we spend the morning being orientated to Rwanda through the PEACE Team meeting and then a visit to the Genocide Memorial. Then the afternoon will be a two-team split to 2 different church locations to train their preschool teachers and children's ministry leaders. Another action-packed, God-filled day ahead!
June 17, 2019 at 9:25 AM
We prayed for the team to have a peaceful journey to Rwanda, and it is pleasing to see that everyone arrived in such good spirits. God is surely with each and every one of you!
It was wonderful to read about the ministry work you accomplished today. The local kids appear to be so excited to spend time with our amazing KSG team. And, it's beautiful to see!
Try and rest tonight, and we'll be praying for God to bless you as you continue on His journey, tomorrow.
God's Speed, The McCormick Family