Second, thank you for making Project BUILD a huge success. The results are in and the Kids Small Groups family brought in 40 barrels worth of food. With each barrel averaging 180 lb that means there were about 7200 lb of food donated. WOW! To put this into perspective, the Saddleback Church Food Pantry on average (without a food drive) gets 10 barrels of food. KSG came together to BUILD up the Food Pantry for at least an entire month. Way to go! [Pictures of the Children's 301 students sorting and stocking the Food Pantry as soon as Liza can figure out how to upload them] :)
Finally, help your child complete Project BUILD by inviting and bringing a friend to church as we launch the "TRUST" series this weekend - November 7 & 8. They should bring in the "TRUST" flier they got at KSG each week to earn a special treat at the end of the 5 weeks.
There are two very basic parts to this Personal P E A C E Kid on a Mission Project: Buy some Unique (grade or book-specific) Items to Lovingly Donate to the Saddleback Church Food Pantry. AND Bring Unchurched Individuals to an All STARS weekend service to Learn about Developing TRUST in God. Please keep the following in mind when doing part one of Project BUILD: Buy (or find in your pantry) items in your child's grade or book-specific category Understand the purpose of this Kids on a Mission Project and what Personal PEACE looks like. Involve your child. Do not go shopping without him or her. Leave your donations in the appropriate blue cans October 27th or 28th during KSG. Do NOT bring items that are…1) expired, 2) in glass jars, or 3) not included on the list below.
While we missed seeing our Kids Small Groups family this week, it has been an amazing time to reflect and connect with leaders from all across the United States and even the world at our Purpose Driven Children's Ministry Conference. Here is one thought to consider...
God chose David. God also challenged David.
When David was ready, God took him from leading, protecting and providing for sheep, to leading, protecting and providing for Israel, God's people. David's journey as a shepherd developed him into a leader worthy of God's call.
What has God chosen you to do? Where has He challenged you? How will you respond?
It is hard to believe three weeks of KSG have already passed and we are on our first "break" with no KSG the week of October 6 & 7. While we get into the fall mode, here are some things to think about "falling into..."
* A routine. Is there a regular place or time that you talk to your child about what he/she is learning in Kids Small Groups?
* Your own small group. Are you involved in your own adult small group? Are you setting the example for your child.
* Love again with God. How can you renew your love for God? What can you say "No" to in order to say "Yes" to God?
What are you going to begin to "fall into" this October?
A look at Pre-K to Grade 2 Worship. Singing our praises and love to God!
Children's 101 to 401. Digging into God's Word and still time for plain old silliness.
Thank you for blessing us with the chance to disciple your children. We are off to a GREAT start with two weeks of fun and learning together!
The FIRST night of KSG 09-10 was AMAZING. More than 1300 kids filled the Children's Building over 4 service times as we gathered together to reunite with old friends, make new friends and kick off "The Journey." Hundreds of parents also came together in the Edge for "Open House." They heard about the "LEAD" principle and are excited to LEAD like Jesus at home this year in Kids Small Groups. The Journey has just begun...
Summer has FLOWN by and we are ready to launch the 2009-2010 season of Kids Small Groups in a little more than 24 hours. Hopefully you should have already received a phone call from your child's small group leaders to welcome them and get them excited for the new year.
We will look forward to seeing parents up in the Edge (3rd floor of the Children's Building) 15 minutes after the start of KSG each service for "Open House." This is where parents will get ALL the info they need about "The Journey." Afterwards, the parents in attendance at "Open House" will be able to visit their children's small groups. Can't wait to see you all soon!
Just a friendly reminder that the FINAL date for Kids Small Groups 2009-2010 Registration is quickly approaching - Monday August 31, 2009. This is for both new and returning students. We will still accept registration forms after this deadline, but they will be placed on a waitlist and then individually contacted once space becomes available.
So, get registered this week at Ministry Center I (corner of Saddleback and Portola) OR come by the tables outside the Children's Building THIS weekend. Fill out your registration form completely and leave payment. Do not miss "The Journey" into Kids Small Groups 2009-2010!
We raised almost $3000 in our final Kids on a Mission Project for Kids Small Groups 2008-2009. Here's a little video update DIRECT from Rwanda...check it out!
Can you believe it?!?! We have gone through 24 lessons over 8 different books over the last 35+ weeks in Kids Small Groups 2008-2009...AWESOME! We cannot wait to CELEBRATE the first year of "The Journey" with the LAST night of Kids Small Groups - June 2nd and 3rd.
If you have a child in Children's 101-401 join us for the FINAL celebration of the year, also join us the following week on Wednesday June 10th in the Worship Center. We'll hear about the FIRST year of "The Journey" and all that God did through the 3rd through 6th graders. It will be a night to remember.
Finally, of course, do NOT miss the chance to register at the early rate of $50 over the next 2 weeks. KSG Graduation & Promotion (June 10th) is the LAST night to get this early rate. Thereafter, KSG 09-10 registration is open until August 31s for $60.
We are HERE! The 110-person Children's 401 is getting ready to embark on an incredible journey in Local PEACE in Compton & Santa Ana. Right now, they are learning to love with the kind of love that God wants us to. When we love in this way, we can be used to make a difference in people's lives. Pray for this incredible team. They are going to move mountains with their faith, hope, and love. It's time to GO!
Our FINAL Global PEACE project will focus on the Western region of Rwanda - Kibuye. This week we launched Phase #1 - Suits for Pastors and Coloring. There is something "to bring" and something "to do." Next week, Phase #2, we will launch something "to raise" as we set the tone for Summer Spectacular 2009's Mission Project "Change for CHANGE." Here are all the details you need to know for Project CHANGE Phase #1:
Suits for Pastors - help pastors in Kibuye gain respect in a simple way - with a suit. Bring in men's suits (dress shirts, jackets, pants, ties, and dress shoes) to Kids Small Groups on May 26/27 and June 2/3
a. Please bring suits in on hangers. We'll collect them on clothes racks in the Reef & Extreme on the above dates.
b. Only men's suits; please NO other clothes donations.
Coloring - we handed out coloring sheets to each Kids Small Group to work on in class OR at home. All the students have to do is color; these sheets will be used in Community Development Training on health through the HIV/AIDS Initiative in Kibuye. Again it is a small way our kids can have a HUGE impact on the lives of people in Rwanda.
a. Bring completed coloring back again to the Reef or Extreme on the above dates.
b. Only use colored pencils or crayons; please NO markers.
c. Adult involvement is HIGHLY encouraged.
Can't wait until next week as we launch Phase #2 - Change for CHANGE, our Summer Spectacular 2009 Mission Project!
Get ready, get set, GO! Project CHANGE, our final Kids on a Mission Project is coming up soon. For a sneak peek at our Global PEACE project...
1. Kids Small Groups will again "set the tone" for Summer Spectacular 2009's Mission Project. That means you'll find out BEFORE SS 2009 what the Mission Project is AND start to gather change to bring in May 19/20, May 26/27, and finally June 2/3.
2. Kids Small Groups will also help pastors in Western Rwanda (Kibuye) gain respect and honor as they lead the nation with God's Word. Bring in dad's, brother's, uncle's or grandpa's old dress suits and shoes to gift to the Rwandan pastors. It is a small gift that will go a LONG way.
More info to come in the next few weeks! We can't wait to collect change for CHANGE!
It's amazing how two weeks seems like an ETERNITY in the world of Kids Small Groups. We missed you all and hope you enjoyed a peace-filled, relaxing Easter vacation. Welcome back to the FINAL stretch of Kids Small Groups 2008-2009.
On that note, let's end on a HIGH note with only SIX weeks left in the year. It promises to be an action-packed few weeks with Baptism Class, KSG Baptisms, Children's 401 Local PEACE Weekend, the final Kids on a Mission: Global PEACE Project CHANGE, Final Awards, and of course the grand finale in KSG Graduation & Promotion. And then, we get ready to do it ALL over again with KSG 2009-2010 Registration (for returning KSG, 2009-2010 registration begins May 26/27; for new students, it begins the weekend of May 30/31). More specific info on dates and costs to come!

- The 12 countries represented by the Children's 401 students - Dominican Republic, Rwanda, Gaza Strip, Philippines, China, Kenya, North Korea, Chile, Fiji, France, India, and Mexico. The students in Children's 401 have a heart for these countries and pray you do, too.
- The PEACE Plan and each person's part in it to Promote reconciliation, Equip servant leaders, Assist the poor, Care for the sick, and Educate the next generation.
- Each student will walk away challenged to "Be the Change personally, locally, and globally through PEACE.
What a GREAT night we had at our Children's 301 Ministry Fair this past week! The 5th and 6th graders were given 10 options for ministry service. Now we are SO excited to see what they will choose to commit to doing as they serve Jesus. Parents, please connect with your child to see where their heart is. ALL of KSG can join together in prayer, lifting up our servant leaders in Children's 301.
We are SO excited to introduce a NEW way to communicate with the Kids Small Groups family! This blog will be a space to inform the Pre-K to Grade 2 AND Children's 101 to 401 families on what is happening and up-and-coming in the world of Kids Small Groups. We are looking forward to the next few months in KSG...only 3 FULL months left in the 2008-2009 season...can you believe it?!?!? Stay tuned for March highlights...