Kids on a Mission: Project BUILD

There are two very basic parts to this Personal P E A C E Kid on a Mission Project:

Buy some                                 

Unique (grade or book-specific)                     

Items to                                     


Donate to the Saddleback Church Food Pantry.




Individuals to an All STARS weekend service to

Learn about

Developing TRUST in God.


Please keep the following in mind when doing part one of Project BUILD:

    Buy (or find in your pantry) items in your child's grade or book-specific category

    Understand the purpose of this Kids on a Mission Project and what Personal PEACE looks like.

    Involve your child. Do not go shopping without him or her.

    Leave your donations in the appropriate blue cans October 27th or 28th during KSG.

    Do NOT bring items that are…1) expired, 2) in glass jars, or 3) not included on the list below.

PDCM 2009

While we missed seeing our Kids Small Groups family this week, it has been an amazing time to reflect and connect with leaders from all across the United States and even the world at our Purpose Driven Children's Ministry Conference. Here is one thought to consider...

God chose David. God also challenged David.
When David was ready, God took him from leading, protecting and providing for sheep, to leading, protecting and providing for Israel, God's people. David's journey as a shepherd developed him into a leader worthy of God's call.

What has God chosen you to do? Where has He challenged you? How will you respond?

October is HERE!

It is hard to believe three weeks of KSG have already passed and we are on our first "break" with no KSG the week of October 6 & 7. While we get into the fall mode, here are some things to think about "falling into..."

* A routine. Is there a regular place or time that you talk to your child about what he/she is learning in Kids Small Groups?

* Your own small group. Are you involved in your own adult small group? Are you setting the example for your child.

* Love again with God. How can you renew your love for God? What can you say "No" to in order to say "Yes" to God?

What are you going to begin to "fall into" this October?