LAST Rwandan Day of Ministry

It is hard to believe...time has flown by...but today (Saturday 7-17-10) was our LAST day of ministry in the "Land of a Thousand Hills." We will be departing later tomorrow afternoon for a few days of ministry and R & R in Kenya before we arrive home.

Today was a memorable day as we completed the Purpose Driven Children's Ministry training with the children's leaders/workers. It was incredible to see how God opened up doors today. Pastor Justin commented that never in any previous trainings has he ever seen people truly grasp and hold onto the 5 purposes as they did by the end of our time together. Praise God! It will be exciting to return in a year or so to hear reports on how each of the different churches' children's ministries develop and bloom.

Then the afternoon was spent at the football field of the Technical School. As the teams completed their games, we gathered them together for a brief bit of God's Word. The focus was on "Respect" based on the story of Creation in Genesis. The players were challenged to respect the game of football and all that comes with it (i.e. uniforms, fields, coaches, referees, teammates).

Now we are gearing up for a much anticipated dinner before Church Day tomorrow. Pray that our transition out of the "Land of a Thousand Hills" tomorrow will go well. May the fire God has lit in each team member's hearts still burn brightly as we continue our ministry in Kenya.

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