These two sounds define our day here in Rwanda...

MOO - the sounds (sort of) from the Rwandan cows that we visited. We followed up on the 2009 Summer Spectacular Mission Project. It turned out to be an incredible blessing as all of the ICC pastors (the Inter-Church Council in the western region of Rwanda) were present to show off their proud efforts. There are 15 cows in well made stalls and the first baby was born just two days ago. Our team fed the cows, prayed over each one and even had the honor to name each of the cows. We closed out our time in prayer over the land that they are desiring to build a technical school.

YAHOO! - the PEACE Football Club had their first day of games in their FULL uniforms. It was such a blessing to see the joy overcome each child's face when they received their very own jersey and shorts. Cheers and support resounded from our team for hours. We also helped each team to end their games with God's Word. Today we taught them about respect, thinking about all the character traits of God and how we too can respect others (i.e. coaches, referees).

Being out in the sun has tuckered us out. We are going to go eat dinner and then hit the hay in preparation for church day.

** Please pray for the team's health as there are a few upset tummies and dehydration after today's long day in the sun **

1 Response to "MOO & YAHOO!"

  1. Meredith E. White says:
    July 7, 2010 at 7:44 AM

    This is incredible! It is so exciting to hear that the gifts of our KSG & Weekend kiddos brought such joy, hope and blessings to the children and people of Rwanda. Thank you for painting the 'Big Picture' for us all to see, and for going to Rwanda to bring everything full circle! Can't wait to hear the 'list of names' you chose for the cows. Love to all y'all!

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