Please share this with friends, neighbors, family and more who could be blessed by our 2nd Parenting Seminar on the topic of Divorce Care.
We missed you at Parenting Seminar #1. Watch the video recording of the seminar below. Follow along in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 for each practical tip. Enjoy!
It is hard to believe but the "End of the Road to Rwanda" has been reached as we safely landed at 11:45 am on Thursday 7/9/15. The journey was long after two 10+ hour flights but all were eager to return to the comforts of home and begin to share the life-changing two weeks. Pray for the re-acclimation process as it is not an easy one after being gloriously ruined for God. Thank you again for being a critical part of the 2015 Saddleback Kids Rwanda PEACE team. We love you!
To say that our time of debriefing was powerful does not do the time justice. Hearts were broken and lives transformed on the 2015 Saddleback Kids Rwanda PEACE Trip. We are checking in at Kigali International Airport eager for the 22 hours in the air. Pray for timely travels, sleepy hours and pure joy as we anticipate seeing our loved ones soon. Pray that our lives back at home will be different because of our two weeks in Rwanda. See you Thursday July 25 at LAX!
It is with heavy hearts that we wrapped up our final day of ministry here in the Land of a Thousand Hills. And what a special day it was as we ministered alongside our brothers and sisters from Christ Gospel Fellowship. The morning began with 5 different teams visiting 2-3 homes nearby CGF Kimironko. The purpose was to check-in and see how the sponsored children are doing. What a special treat to spend some quality time with Rwandan families.
After a hearty lunch back at the guesthouse, the team was ready to end their time in Rwanda with a good old-fashioned football game. The Rwandan teens, who were part of a league coached by a CGF member, were very kind in including Team Saddleback Muzungus in their drills, warm-ups and then a small scrimmage. Everyone had a blast and got a good workout in to burn the endless carbs from the last week.
The hardest part of today was saying our good-byes to our driver, translators and friends. We were truly blessed with some special quality time with them all over dinner and affirming them briefly. We are eternally grateful for these lifelong relationships with Denis, Gratien, Rachel, Simon, Christian and Jean-Paul. Looking forward to future adventures with these guys in Rwanda.
As we prepare to enter into our debrief process, this will be the final post before take-off homeward bound on Wednesday 7/8. We'll keep you posted on our successful departure as we begin the LONG journey home. Until then, pray for this debrief process as it is a critical time for the team to discuss, affirm and encourage one another. Pray that each team member walks away transformed by what they saw, heard, experienced and felt over the last 12 days.
The Manila team has arrived home safe and sound. They are so excited for how God moved through their trip and can not wait to share with everyone. Thank you so much for your prayers!
The team had a SUPER Sunday dividing into 4 different teams for church services and afternoon ministry. The team divided up to attend 4 key churches in Kigali. It was refreshing to be renewed with an English-speaking service first and then diving into children's ministry alongside each of the 4 church's teams. A fun-filled morning of church variety and power.
After a long lunch, the smaller 4 teams were back on the field to either visit homes of church families, visit a children's center where 36 HIV positive children are treated/fed or taught at a branch campus of one of the morning's churches. All and all the team had a dynamic day filled with ministry and kingdom change. Hearts were touched by the Rwandans and the Muzungus (our Saddleback Kids team).
Pray for tomorrow (Monday) as it is our FINAL day of ministry before we begin the intentional debrief process in preparations for coming home. Pray that this final day of ministry is meaningful. Pray for tired bodies, sore throats and weary hearts. May each team member be rejuvenated in these final hours of ministry. Amen.
We are back and connected after a wonderful 2 days and 2 nights in a more rural southeastern province. God truly blessed us during this time as we taught PDCM to 30+ pastors and got to put it into action with almost 200 kids after school coming to the church. A true taste of the Rwandan culture and countryside that the team greatly appreciated. Add to that the blessing of hearing Gratien and Simon's testimonies...our beloved Rwandan family/friends who are such an integral part of our team, time and togetherness.
Now we are back in Kigali preparing for the final two full days of ministry. And Sunday promises to be action-packed as we divide into 4 teams to attend services, teach in children's services and minister alongside the church in the afternoon. Pray for a resurgence of energy as spirits remain high yet physical energy begins to wain...especially common as we near the end of our journey. Pray that the team can "leave it all on the field" giving their best to God tomorrow.
Sending our Happy 4th of July wishes all the way from Rwanda where Liberation Day is also on this day to be remembered!
After a week of visiting schools and playing in different communities SK Manila has tripled attendance for the Saturday SK services. We will post pictures and more details later today, however we are overflowing with children. Praise God!
It is Friday morning in Rwanda. The team had a good night's sleep last night and is ready to tackle the day with more training in their new location. Unfortunately, due to poor internet connectivity in this part of the country, there won't be too many more details available until Saturday evening. Continue to lift up the team in prayer as they are on the final stretch of their ministry time.
- Bea and the “Sandwich Team” prepared over 200 sandwiches which would be distributed later in the day.
- Beverly led the team at Learning Links where we visited two more classrooms. Rob and our kids acted out the story of David and Goliath and Peter walking on water. We enjoyed more crafts and worship with the first and third grade classes. The sweet children are such a joy to work with. It is quite adorable when they ask our kids for their autograph!
- Abi — “It was so much fun seeing their sweet smiles. It makes me more thankful for what I have.”
- Hunter - “It was spiritual, but it wasn’t like work. It was fun playing together.”
- Jeremy - “I learned you don’t need words to spread God’s word.”
- Noah - “Although the kids of Don Jose didn’t know we were planning to be there, they came out in flocks when we arrived. The Bible tells us that where Jesus went, crowds followed. It was like Jorin was leading us as the body of Christ.”
The team experienced all things Rwanda time today but did a great job enduring with patience and grace. Full-day of PDCM Training at Omega Church with about 30 leaders in attendance. The morning 2 sessions were wrapped up by the Dave, Jaxon, Daniela, Rita and Spencer then Jodi, Kyle, Sean, Karyce & Jackson. Well done instructing the leaders on this incredible PDCM Training!
Then the afternoon before/after lunch (part of the Rwanda time today...3:30 pm lunch instead of 12:30) was applying all they learned in brief purpose-experiences. The team shined in implementing their creativity with games, activities, object lessons and more. All in all, the leaders left feeling encouraged, challenged and ready to face what lies ahead as we all change the landscape of eternity in children's ministry.
Pray for safe travels as we head east/south for a few days of PDCM training in another province. Pray for a few sick tummies that they find rest and ease overnight. Pray that we feel even more confident and prepared as we teach PDCM for the 2nd round.
Here are a few pics from the weekend:

Tuesday we geared up for a long day of serving and loving on the kids in the Santa Rosa, Laguna neighborhood of south Manila. We were blessed with the opportunity to return to Learning Links (a private school) to share lessons on being CONFIDENT. The children of the school were full of joy as Ashley, Noah, and Kaito shared the story of David and Goliath, created crafts together, and presented them with the magical box filled with the most important person in the world—they looked inside and saw their own reflection in the mirror — their reactions were absolutely precious! Aaron, Antonio, Lyndsey, and Paige led the children in worship. The children had SO MUCH FUN as we danced, sang, and sweated together! We invited them to join us at Saddleback at the Monochrome this upcoming Saturday for weekend services. We can’t wait to see those sweet faces again this weekend! :)
Today was a much-needed and anticipated day full of KIDS. The team was once again divided up into two as they returned to their CGF home churches in the morning or afternoon. Here is the day's summary by "team:"
Team Busanza - Rosser, Prater-Telles, Marin, Thornton, Kearley & Uhrig Families
- Morning spent with 2 classrooms of 12 and 17 preschoolers from Four Square Church all about Daniel and the Lion's Den (singing, story, game, questions and craft).
- Afternoon returned to Busanza for a final VBS-style time focusing on the principle of serving. Children walked away with the challenge to serve their neighbors with a simple staple of rice and beans. And Pastor Gideon of the children's ministry was deeply touched by the team's generosity and love over the last few days.
- Morning spent with 1 classroom of 10 preschoolers back at CGFC's Nursery School. The team's presence and creativity brought great support and attention to this new preschool.
- Afternoon at Africa New Life Ministries where they focused on the concept of "SHARE" with 50 "dream boys". Long story short, this ministry/church models itself after Saddleback and Los Angeles' Dream Center so these boys were primarily street children given a fresh start to "dream" of what they could be through education. Seeing the boys with their share paper airplanes in sheer joy brought tears to the team's eyes.
The team had a great day full of serving opportunities. They are having a blast connecting with SK Manila volunteers and reaching out to the community. They went to a school named learning links which is where they taught leadership skills to the kids. They were teaching 3 different classes and after today was such a hit they now are spending all day their because so many teachers are a fan of what the kids get to learn. God is opening up great big doors for Christ to be shared and for Saddleback Kids to get connected to more people in the community. They also passed out flyers and promoted VBS to several communities so that kids will come in the next couple of days to their VBS camp. Please pray for health as they are very long days and everyone is adjusting still. We also ask God that the team continue to move as God leads and that we they are aware of what He is doing. Thanks for your support and prayers!!!
The focus of today was a cultural immersion experience. We began with an orientation at the PEACE Plan Offices with sweet Mary. Lots of great information and questions answered about all things Rwanda. Then we headed to an anything but Rwandan feeling lunch; Chipotle was basically transplanted here through Meze Fresh. Yummy!

Finally, we wrapped up the day with two more sessions of Purpose Driven Children's Ministry with another crowd of about 35 church leaders. Many new faces since we were at a different church at the end of a work day. Can't wait for our all-day training to be wrapped up and then applied on Wednesday as it is a national holiday with July 4th's Liberation Day upcoming.
Pray for continued strength, unity and peace amidst and through the team. God has truly blessed us with a wonderful blend of gifts and talents. Great things still to come!
Let's just say that these first two days of ministry have been action-packed such that the team was positive we have been in-country for much longer already. Church in Rwanda is always an extra special experience. The two teams from Saturday returned to their Kimironko and Busanza churches. Kevin, Jenna and Liza shared a sermon for the 9:00 am adult & children's Sunday School then spent the remaining 2 1/2 hours (yes, they do church long and deep in Rwanda) working with the 150 kiddos in CGFC's children's ministry. The Busanza team similarly taught Sunday school with a KSG lesson for the children for an hour, gathered all together to worship and then returned for another 2 hours of children's ministry. The morning was filled with worship, Bible stories, crafts, games and MORE.
After a long, relaxing lunch of Rwandan pizza, the first round of Purpose Driven Children's Ministry conference began. Doug, Lexi, Sarah, Greg, Deana and Madelyn did an incredible job kicking things off with Session 1: Purpose. There were 35 children's leaders from 8 different churches in Kigali. They were challenged, inspired and eager to return for the remainder of the conference over the next few days.
Bottom line, the team is feeling great in spirit, mind and body. Pray for their hearts as connections are already being formed. Also, pray for their hearts to grow in compassion and hope with a "cultural" day tomorrow. Pray for a few upset tummies/headaches that they will go away after a good night's sleep.
We had another very successful day. Our kids are bringing it! At noon we met for team time and logistics for the day.
Our KSG training started around 1:30 we had about 10 SK Manila leaders which made for a very intimate and relational training . Our kids were beyond amazing The adults were so proud of how brave they were to be leading this training. We ended around 4:00 and spent time fellowships with our fellow SK leaders. They were very appreciative of the training, We saw a lot of note taking and many whispers and head nods to what was being taught. It was another win for the Kingdom!!!!
They woke up nice and early to prepare for Saddleback Kids Manila church services. Pastor Rick was there this weekend so the turn out was amazing. The team did an amazing job supporting SK Manila team in whatever needed to be done. They had a great time leading worship and teaching alongside SK Manila. After the two services they eat a delicious pizza lunch and prepared to do childcare for SK Manila volunteers. Pastor Rick put on a special thank you lunch for all Saddleback Volunteers, so the team allowed all the volunteers to have a place to take their kids so they could go. The rest of the day they spent preparing for the training that they will be putting on tomorrow for the Saddleback Kids volunteers. The team is doing a great job of being fast, fluid and flexible. Way to go team!
At the end of the day, the team members are exhausted but they are already forming ties that are connecting them deeply to the people of Rwanda. And it's only day one of ministry. With that, please pray for energy as the days are long and can be exhausting like today. Pray for His ministry that will be done at CGF Busanza and Kimironko because of today's ministry and what lies ahead tomorrow as they return to the two churches for Sunday morning ministry. Pray for the hearts of our team members to continue to be stirred and set ablaze. Day one is a wrap!
The team did an OUTSTANDING job enduring long flights with little to no time in-between. After a 9 hour and 50 minute flight to Amsterdam, 45 minute connection between (flight was delayed) and then a 7 hour and 50 minute flight to Rwanda we are happy to report that all 25 team members and ALL the luggage made it safe and sound to Rwanda. Pray for restful sleeps for all as airplane snoozing was scarce. Pray for acclimation to the team, climate and surroundings. Great things are to come tomorrow with a FULL day of ministry. Here we go!!!
The team has successfully arrived in Manila and had a good first day. They got through the airport fine and were able to experience Manila traffic, oh what a JOY! So think Friday night LAX traffic times 10, yes they are really in Manila now. :) They then got to the hotel and like Manila fashion everything took longer than expected so they were not able to go out to do any ministry that day, but were very blessed by a great dinner and Jorin's (Children's Director) testimony. Jorin shared his story and then the vision of SK Manila and how the team can help support them in that vision this next week. The team wrapped it up with logistics and preparation for the next day and then headed to bed. Good night Manila!!!
The Manila Team has safely arrived in Seoul, Korea. It is 5:30 am so they are nice and awake now. ;)They had an uneventful flight and most people were able to get some sleep. They are hanging out in their terminal and getting breakfast! Keep praying for them as they quickly arrive to Manila!
The SK Manila team is beginning their long journey to the Philippines. Please pray for their ease of transport, restful flying and loads of memories as they are airborne soon.

Saddleback Kids Manila PEACE Trip
June 24 to July 5
31 person-team
Saddleback Kids RwandaPEACE Trip
June 25 to July 9
25 person-team
STAY TUNED for each team's daily updates once they begin their journeys to the land God is leading them to...
Wrapping up a much-needed welcome home meal then homeward bound. Should touchdown at MO2 by 8:30. Stories are ABOUNDING!!!
The team is slowly but surely crossing the border. Prayers are appreciated for this SLOW process. Once they are on US soil they will refuel the cars and their bodies. All that to say ETA back to church is likely closer to 7-8 pm at this rate. Thanks for your patient and we'll re-update in a little.
The team returned to Accion Cristiana where they participated in the big church service AND children's ministry. In "big church" the children performed a skit/drama that Bradley Okajima eloquently explained. Such a simple yet powerful dramatization of a child alone and without Jesus yet then transformed by the love of Jesus and the community of believers that comes with it. Well done! Then it was followed up by Kent Johnson sharing his testimony which touched the hearts of the church members as they have been dealing with, as a church, difficulties and trials. God has a purpose and plan for it all even when we do not understand. Thanks, Kent, for that reminder. And again Pastor reminded the congregation of the answered prayers of this Saddleback team. The church had a dream that their children's ministry could be a light to inspire and motivate other churches throughout Ensenada to reach the next generation...with the support and partnering of the SK PEACE Team this dream was realized this weekend.
After some FUN times actually making children's ministry happy in Aventuras en Accion, the team got to enjoy some authentic Mexican taco stand deliciousness before heading back to camp. Time to get their hands dirty, literally and figuratively, with some work projects to prepare the camp site for the hundreds of children and adults who would be working there this summer. Paint, wood, screens and more were just some of the work project highlights for the team to support their host site.
Cover the team in your prayers as they debrief tonight and tomorrow, spend time in affirmations and then begin the fast turn-around journey home. We eagerly anticipate the personal stories of life change experienced by each of these team members. Can't wait!
To say that today was a full and fruitful day of ministry may be an understatement. Truly, the Spirit was alive and at work throughout the entire day. The team had a bright and early start, but they felt well-rested and prepared for what God had in store for their ministry-packed day.
First, the team was ready to teach a one-day Purpose Driven Children's Ministry Training to local church leaders in Ensenada. After all, no better teachers than the leaders, parents and students who have grown up in Children's Ministry and gone through all of the purposes in Kids Small Groups. And God knew the teachers were just the right ones as He brought 191 church leaders from 37 different churches. WOW! Praise God!!! Special highlights to the Okajimas, Lees and Haynes who taught powerful general sessions that literally moved the group to resounding cheers of "Amen" and even tears of inspiration and motivation. Well done does not even do sufficient justice to the job done by this SK Mexico PEACE Team. So very proud of them.
On top of this mighty feat of teaching, each "village" spent half of the day ministering at an orphanage and retirement center alongside the ministries already taking place in these locations through the local church. It was truly an honor and privilege to serve alongside the local church as the hands and feet. About 60 children were fed God's Word through an hour and half teaching with craft, games and more. Then hearts were compassionate and sweet as they sang to the elderly in a retirement center. Beautiful to see Saddleback Church support Accion Cristiana in the ministries they are already actively engaged in.
As you can tell, the team is TIRED after an almost 12-hour day of ministry. Their time is short but man are they using the most of the time God has given them to transform the landscape of eternity. Cannot wait to see how children's ministries are revolutionized throughout Ensenada because of the seeds that were planted.
The team has safely and soundly arrived to their SK PEACE Trip host site. And right on time around 5:00 pm. Everyone was eager and ready to get out to stretch their legs. Dinner called their names and they ate and ate WELL. Now off to chapel to begin to prepare their hearts for the ministry God has for them ahead. Pray that their bodies, hearts and minds are open to what Cortney will be teaching them tonight. Pray for a restful night of sleep as they have a FULL day of conference teaching, working with children and serving the elderly tomorrow. They have ARRIVED...