SK Philippines: DAY FIVE

We had a very fruitful day with the team today.  Visited a private Christian school tin the morning that is targeted by our church to seek potential members and SK volunteers.  It was a great day of sharing and encouragement.  Our kids did a program for the children and parents were able to meet with the parents for parent testimony, prayers, and fellowship.  SK Manila provided lunch and little gift bags for the children.

In the afternoon, we went to a neighborhood of relocated families.  They were previously squatters and were relocated to permanent housing area, about 100 families,  We didn’t know what to expect but it turned out to be a awesome time with the children and families.  House visits and games for the kids and testimonies.  We purchased ice cream from a local street vendor for all the kids about $23 for over 100 cones.  We made his day!  SK bought bread as a snack for the children and adults.  It was a lot of fun and so many M&M’s.  The partnership is going great with SK Manila. 

Tomorrow we visit an orphanage and then another targeted private Christian school for potential church members and volunteers for SK.  Should be another exhausting day of fun!  The team is tired yet energized at all that God is doing through us and SK Manila.

Hard to believe we are more than half way through our trip. Continue to pray for the team's energy as we enter the 2nd half of our PEACE Trip!

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